Creating Culture
QuickBooks 2017 - 2020
Director of Product Design
Objective: Strengthen Design's role within the organization by increasing visibility and fostering a culture of inclusion. Ensure partners understand and leverage Design's unique strengths to best deliver on business and product goals.
Requirements: Increase team morale and reduce silos. Create a cohesive design voice within the broader organization, regardless of location or experience level.
Results: The launch of the Ship, Sip + Spin program increased team validation and recognition from stakeholders, partners, and peers. The exposure built trust and excitement for Design's ability to visualize and shape product possibilities while strengthening cross-functional relationships. The program was so successful it was franchised monthly across the organization, further enhancing Design's reputation among leadership and a key source of inspiration, innovation, and creative energy. The Design team earned recognition as inspirers, provokers and tastemakers of a vision.
![Examples showing" From/To" states of the Moxie's leadership](